Mourning Dove Zenaida macroura
The Mourning Dove is hunted extensively in some parts of North America, and it is estimated that more than half of the young birds born each spring do not live beyond their first year. Fortunately, these birds raise two to four broods each season, and so the Mourning Dove is still common. The sad notes of the bird's song are usually heard just before the dawn in spring and summer.
Identification 11-13". Slim, with small head and long, tapered tail. Soft, sandy brown or brownish gray above, with a few black spots; paler below, sometimes washed with pale cinnamon; tail feathers tipped with white.
Voice A low, sad whoo-oo, hoo, hoo, hoo; second note rises sharply.
Habitat Almost anywhere except dense forests: woodlands, streamsides, desert washes, gardens, city parks, and suburban backyards.
Range Breeds from S. Alaska and W. British Columbia through S. Alberta and Great Lakes to New England; south to Mexico and Florida. Northern populations migratory.
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